Wednesday 9 March 2011

Obsession - Back to the beginning yet again

After finding that last collage of the watermelon I believe I have an idea. I would have six photos, similar to that of the last image, but have six images of buses. The six buses I catch every weekend to get to my boyfriends. Those buses mean nothing to anyone else but to me they are special. Again my only problem is if when I finish it it's boring. However, I will still give it a go and see how it turns out. Samples are always welcome, haha.

Similar to my bag sample I made a sample using the images of my street sign. This links to travel because its the street I have traveled to and from all my life. I would also take photos of other street signs, maybe random ones, or streets which have meaning to me. Maybe the streets I walk down every day.

Obsession - Collage stuff

This image of a dog is amazing! I want to do this. I love the colours and everything about this. I could get a photo of my cat and mix in my red images, mixing in too ideas? How crazy! I will try out this technique and see what fun things I can create.

I also found this other website with a simple yet great collage. This collage is just of six images which all link becasue they are of the same thing but from different angles. The colour of the watermelon and snow work great together!

Here is a sample which I did about my cat, its a quick sample so it isn't amazing quality. In this sample I have made my cat red because it is my favourite colour. Also, I love my cat and cats in general alllllot.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Obsession - Photos yet again?

First ideas are usually the best.
Okays, looking back at my images from my samples I am drawn back to that 'technique' of distoring the image. BUT what do I take photos of I hear you cry? That, I still don't know. I'm wandering into the theme of colour. Red is my favourite colour by far. Should I take photos of red things? MY HEAD JUST EXPLODED. Okays, What if I take lots of photos of red things then put them all together to make a big pile of redness. A image made up of hundreds of things, the only thing in common is the colour. Still, i'm not too sure. Would it work or even look good? I must try it out. I've started taking photos of red things. Maybe I could just have a book with a hundred red items. PHOTO COLLAGE. The images will make a photo collage. When I finish my final piece I shall put it up here. The image above is an example of how my work could look. A huge mix of reds. This could be good.
Image is from

Disorting images, like in my samples, is something which I really really liked. But i'm stuck on what to distort. I need to think. What am I obsessed with.
Distoring things. Changing them. You can't tell what it is. Making it different. Making something new. Making something boring interesting.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Obsession - Film.

Sound and film.
Okays, my ideas now involve sound and film. This is because of my obsessions. My obsession with writing. I have to write things down to explain myself, cause I don't talk. Talking? could that be the sound. My obsession with writing means I don't speak. Mixing the two things. Music, i'd like that in the background.
An obsession with someone, myself? A book obsessed with somebody. Thats kinda straying into sketchbook stuff. But what if I made a film about it? The process of the obsession growing. How it goes deeper and darker? Obsession and love. Where is the line?

Saturday 26 February 2011

Obsession - Idea change again?

Okay after going through my latest idea I've come to the conclusion that I wouldn't have a lot of images and it could be short. HOWEVER, I shall still complete it because it could be a make a good final piece. So i'm going back to my obsession with writing. However, i may involve my travel obsession too.
My idea so far is to take snap shots and make a film with them. I would make a film of images running through a book (Not actually running). The book could go through all my obsessions, I want it to be colourful and interesting. I've even thought of making my own music for it. Go me. Another idea was to have me narrate it but I'm still not sure. I need to come up with a script/plan of what will go in the book then I can start filming and getting it all together.

Also, to stick with my photo ideas, I'm looking into things which I'm obsessed with. The only things I can think of are Cats and I love the colour red, love it sooooooooooooo much. So i could do a book full of like 100 images of red things, anything which is red. Also, i'm obsessed with cats, so again I could have a book full of images of cats. Or just of one cat. My cat. Mog.
A book full of 100 images of one cat, I love my cat. Bailey also has a cat which I obsess over. He's called Oscar. So should I take photos of both of them or just one? My cat mog would win.
I just found this amazing collage of images in the form of a cat. I could do this with images of my cat. However, this would be copying the idea without changing it for me and making it personal.
Website cat image is on -

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Obsession - Even more samples!

Table Sample

This is my second sample and try at this technique. This is my desk. Very messy. But great for a busy image. Using the same technique as my last sample I made this. By doing this second sample I can see faults. I must keep the angle of the image the same or they wont slot together. The distance can change a bit and I want it to change so it gives the image a distorted view. I don't want it to be a perfect picture which all slots together because that would be pointless and boring. I want to image to look distorted so it looks interesting and it also makes the view look at it more because their trying to work out what it is. My next step is to start on some of my final pieces. These pieces will be linked to my obsession with travel. I will use images of street posts, streets, houses, bus stops. Things which anybody else would look at and just see what it is. But to me I will be seeing memories and these images will have emotions in them for me. I will make a book full of these images. Boring places. But to me they are very important. These places have made me the person I am today.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Obsession - Samples!

Bag Sample

Okays, so i have finally made a sample of my idea! However, this is only a sample and doesn't link to the final pieces I want to make. The sample piece is of my bag, my final pieces will link to travel. The process of making it wasn't as hard as I thought so I feel confident for my final piece's!!
It was really fun making it as well!

*Out of my bag and desk sample, this one is the best.*